Irish Times:'Portrait Lab', The Model, Sligo, Gemma Tipon, October, 2022.+
CIRCA Art Magazine (Ireland) Amanda Dunsmore, KEEPER. The Hugh Lane Gallery, Dublin. "It’s unusual to observe well-known political faces on screen and for them not to utter a word". Laurence McKeown. April, 2018.+
this is tomorrow, Contemporary Art Magazine (UK) Amanda Dunsmore, KEEPER, The Hugh Lane Gallery. ‘Keeper’ itself is the project initiated by Dunsmore in 1998 when she was selected as the Maze Prison’s Artist-in-Residence. Review by Aidan Kelly Murphy Published May 14, 2018.+
Irish Times:Art in focus: David Trimble by Amanda Dunsmore. Adrian Dunne. April, 2018.+
Independent: (Irelend) 'I'm interested in the legacy of individuals' An exhibition opens in Dublin this week that reflects on the lessons and imagery of the Good Friday Agreement. Hilary A White met its creator, artist Amanda Dunsmore. 2018.+
Irish Examinar:Amanda Dunsmore has cleverly subverted the very idea of a portrait in a series of video works that take Irish public figures as their subjects. Marc O'Sullivan. 2014.+
Talks and Presentations
AGREEMENT Exhibition launch event / artist talk at the Mitchell Art Gallery (MAG), MacEwan University, Edmonton, Canada. June 2024+
Good Friday Agreement 25th Anniversary Event at University College Cork (Ireland) University College Cork is delighted to mark the 25th anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement with an event examining GFA25 and the Island of Ireland. This event took place on Monday, 22 May 2023. Panel discussion ‘GFA25 in all its dimensions’ +
On The Record: Reflections on The Belfast Agreement (Good Friday Agreement) The Public Record Office of Northern Ireland and the National Archives, Ireland present a panel discussion to mark the 25th anniversary of the signing of The Belfast Agreement (GFA) offering a range of perspectives on official state records relating to the Multi-Party Agreement and the British-Irish Agreement. April, 2023.+
Portrait of a Nation: Art, Politics and the Anglo-Irish TreatyThis conference explores the intersection between art and politics in the context of the birth of the new Irish state. National Museum of Ireland / Hugh Lane Gallery. April, 2022.+