Dr Mo Mowlam (deceased), the former UK Secretary of State for Northern Ireland (1997-1999). Dunsmore, felt it important to include Mo Mowlam in the artwork AGREEMENT and using machine learning processes and RTE archival media she created a facial mapped, data portrait.

Filmed documentation of Mo Mowlam synthetic media portrait, 2023

I was quite shocked, but also moved. It's quite a strange piece, you can tell that it's not really her, but it is sort of her, and I think that adds to the work. In the materiality of how it's being made in terms of it being digital, a mixture of real archive footage of Mo, all mashed up together. It's almost like a painting in digital pixels... Cian Smyth, Cultural Producer and Programme Manager of Ulster Presents at Ulster University. 2023.

AGREEMENT: 3-sceen presentation, depicts Mo Mowlam portrait made from archival media, machine learning, Ulster University, Belfast. 2023.
AGREEMENT: special GFA25, 3-sceen presentation, Mo Mowlam portrait made from archival media, machine learning, Ulster University, Belfast. 2023.

Using new technologies associated with ‘Deep Fakes’, Dunsmore has appropriated machine learning technology to facilitate a positive representation of women. This representation and acknowledgement of women in politics, is an important aspect of Dunsmore's art practice. Dr Mowlam's portrait is similar in composition to the previous, 13 filmed portraits - silent, 4:3 aspect ratio. Funded by Arts Council of Ireland 2021 Visual Arts Bursary, Dr Mowlam’s portrait completed the artwork AGREEMENT (2004 - 2023).